Contribute to the creation of the tourism industry and therevitalization of the area in Chubu and Hokuriku 9 prefectures.

Go! Central Japan

  • Aichi Prefecture
  • Aichi Prefecture1/12

News Release

  • GO CENTRAL JAPAN "SHORYUDO"  English version web renewal!(Click here)

    GO CENTRAL JAPAN "SHORYUDO"  English version web renewal!(Click here)

  • 【Revised December 21】In case of disaster: a useful tool useful for foreign travelers visiting Japan

    【Revised December 21】In case of disaster: a useful tool useful for foreign travelers visiting Japan

  • We are fine! Takayama-city, Gero-city, Hida-city, Gujo-city,Shirakawa-village │ Here is no major impact of heavy rainfall disaster and we are open as usual. We look forward to your visit here.

    We are fine! Takayama-city, Gero-city, Hida-city, Gujo-city,Shirakawa-village │ Here is no major impact of heavy rainfall disaster and we are open as usual. We look forward to your visit here.

About Go Central Japan

About Us


  1. 広域連携(中部9県)の観光産業の創生
  2. 安定的な観光産業収入を通じた地域活性化を目標に「広域連携を進めるマーケティング組織」を目指す

About Go Central Japan


Our Service

Our Service
  1. 持続的なデータ収集・分析によるマーケティング戦略の策定
  2. 関係者との合意形成と観光地域づくり
  3. 地域戦略の整合性・仕組みづくりとプロモーション

Our Service


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