Ryujin-no-Taki Falls


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Recommended Themes, Seasons and Activities

Item2 Themes

Natural Scenery:River and Waterfall, Flower and Tree
Dragon Legends and Traditions:The Legend of the Dragon God of Kawaue-Mura
History:Shrines and Temples
Good Luck and Festivals:Spiritual Sites, Festival and Shinto Rituals


Spring / Summer / Autumn


Cultural Experiences(Waterfall Tour, Votive Plaques) / Walk

A mystical waterfall where the White Dragon dwells

The Ryujin Falls in Nakatsugawa, Gifu, are one of the 50 Famous Waters of Gifu Prefecture. The name Ryujin, which means “Dragon God,” was given to the waterfall because a Dragon God legend has been handed down that says on a certain day a white dragon appeared before the villagers, then rose up to the heavens. The extremely clear water of the powerful falls drops twelve meters and is said to change color seven times a day, exhibiting shades of cobalt blue and emerald blue, among others. Five other waterfalls are located around the Ryujin Falls, one of which, the Borin Falls, is also associated with the legend of the Dragon God. It is said that when rising to the heavens, the dragon collided with the mountain slope, causing him to lose many of his scales, which then became the waterfall.

Yumori Park, abounding with natural beauty

The Ryujin Falls are located in Yumori Park, where one can experience the distinctive beauty of nature through the four seasons. Not only can you go for walks in the park, you can also enjoy camping and trout fishing, not to mention the live outdoor concerts that are also staged there. At the Ryujin Shrine, worshippers can offer votive plaques to pray for success in all sorts of competitions. Visitors can enjoy various activities throughout the year, including the autumn Momiji Festival, when walking tours are held along the trail that follows the beautiful stream of the Kawaue River.

The Legend of the Dragon God of Kawaue-Mura

The Legend of the Dragon God of Kawaue-Mura

The Kawaue River repeatedly overflows its banks, and the village has suffered flooding innumerable times. One time, in a rice paddy, the villagers found a stone that had been inscribed with writing, and when they showed it to the village headman, he told them, “This rock is the Dragon God, and if we do not enshrine it at the waterfall right away, there will be trouble.” The villagers immediately enshrined the rock. However, one day the rock was found by a bad man who had stolen timber and brought it down from the mountains. Thinking the rock was nothing but an obstacle, he kicked it into the waterfall. Suddenly a great white dragon appeared in the waterfall and immediately rose to the heavens. Then with a great crash of thunder, huge drops of rain started pouring down. The mountains crumbled, and homes and fields were washed away, leaving the village in ruins. Thereafter, to assuage the Dragon God’s wrath, the surviving villagers built a splendid shrine and worshipped the Dragon God with great care. In April of each year, a festival is held at the waterfall.

Ryujin-no-Taki Falls


Kawaue, Nakatsugawa, Gifu Prefecture (Inside Yumori Park)


Yumori Park Sogo Information Center 9:00 am to 5:00 pm


Open daily


Free of charge




By Nohi Bus heading for Mori Koen from JR Chuo Main Line Sakashita Sta. to Yumori Koen By car from Chuo Expressway Nakatsugawa IC, about 30 min

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